
Welcome to the YWomenVote Get Out the Vote (GOTV) tools and resources hub. Throughout the campaign, we will update this tab continuously with social media toolkits, voter education resources focused on key YWCA policy priorities, and more.

Planning Your GOTV Campaign

This worksheet can assist you in evaluating your capacity and determining the most practical, effective, and strategic strategies for your Local Association to engage voters this election season.

YWCA Priority Issues 

Women's Economic Security

Racial Justice

Abortion and Reproductive Health

Domestic and Sexual Violence

501 (c)(3) Compliance in Election Years

In the context of legislative and policy advocacy and electoral activities, a 501(c)(3) designation means that the organization, “may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates”.

Social Media Resources

Click on the image to open it in a new window, then right-click the image (command-click for Mac) and select Save Image As and choose your image's saved location.