YWomenVote 2022

Through our tireless work to eliminate racism and empower women across the country, at YWCA we see everyday what women, families, and our communities need to thrive. The sixth iteration of YWomenVote – released just before the 2022 midterm elections confirms what the communities we serve have been telling us: that women across the spectrum are united in their support for economic, caregiving, gender-based violence, health, and racial justice policy solutions that address our shared concerns. In the sixth YWomenVote survey, we examine the experiences of women of various backgrounds, demographics, races, and ethnicities to deepen our understanding of our specific experiences, concerns, and priorities.

Our findings provide policymakers and elected officials from city council and mayoral offices to state legislatures to Congress, with a blueprint for ensuring women, families, and communities across the spectrum can live in safety and thrive. YWCA’s dual mission demands we center the experiences and needs of women and girls of color – who are often overlooked when policy decisions are made –and our mission compels us to gather this data as an essential step in our larger movement work to dismantle systemic and structural racism while also shining a light on how systemic inequities shape the experiences and lives of women.

YWomen Vote 2022 Hill Briefing